I have some "bugs" in my inventory quantities showing up on assemblies. Will Integrity check fix that issue?

When I tried to build something in the assembly it showed a -1 quantity but when I look at the inventory it shows 0 quantity. I noticed this in several "assembly" items & it started about a week ago. 

Will running an integrity check clear this up? If so, is there something I need to do before running it? Any special things I need to know. 

Would it be better to call Sage support to discuss this issue?

I believe the problem started when my laptop crashed on the 27th. When I got the computer up & running I noticed that all the transactions on the 27th were missing. I  didn't notice the assembly error until a couple of days ago when I was installing Sage on my new desktop & started working with it on the new computer.

I need help ASAP because if I am going to have to restore from a previous backup I have a lot of invoices & other transactions I will have to re-do & the long I wait to fix this problem the more work I will have.

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  • 0 in reply to StephenC
    thank you, I did actually talk to Sage & the problem has been resolved. It stemmed from the computer shutting down causing a lot of errors (not just sage). Somehow a bunch of transactions had disappeared from the system on the day that the computer crashed. After the computer was repaired & I logged into my PayPal account to process some orders I discovered my PayPal account showed I had a lot more money in it than Sage showed. I compared transactions & discovered that all the transactions from the day of the computer crash had disappeared. Once I manually input all the transactions from the day of the crash the assemblies quantity matched matched actual quantity in the inventory.

    It was weird that all those transactions just disappeared. I had printed the invoices & had invoice numbers associated with them but they were someone off in the cloud.....& not even in a backup because they were processed before the crash happened & by the time the computer cooled down & I was able to turn it back on they were gone. I'm just glad I backup on a thumb drive ;)