don't understand how to fill in the "Transaction Number" in the import template for GENERAL.CSV

  • 0

    Leave it blank, or exclude it entirely from your import.

    Based on my testing, the only required fields for importing a general journal entry are Date, Reference, Number Of Distributions, G/L Account, and Amount.

  • 0 in reply to StephenC

    how can i post the general journal entry to it's specific date within a transaction?

  • 0 in reply to becpa

    I'm not sure what you mean by "specific date within a transaction". When hand entering a general journal entry there is one date field for the whole transaction. If you export that transaction and look at the resulting file, you'll see that the transaction date is repeated on each line of the transaction, but every line uses the same date.

    You can have multiple transactions in the same import file, and each transaction can have a separate date. But within each transaction the dates must all be the same. The "Number Of Distributions" column of the import file lets Sage 50 know which lines go together to form one transaction. Since every transaction must have at least one debit and one credit, the Number of Distributions for each transactions will never be less than 2.

  • 0 in reply to StephenC

    if you have multiple debits on different dates and then you have 2 or 3 credits on another date from the debit dates?  i thought the "Number of Distribution" together with the "Transaction Number" would do the magic but it didn't, it posted the JE but used one date which was the last date of the entry.

  • 0 in reply to becpa

    You can import multiple general journal entries in one file, and each journal entry can have its own date. But every line of a general journal entry has to use the same date. To clarify, by "general journal entry" I mean a balanced set up debits and credits, not a single line. So, for example, if you want to import all of the purchases from a credit card statement as one general journal entry with one credit offsetting all of the debits, you could not use the individual purchase dates as the transaction's date in Sage 50. Since that would be one transaction, it would have one date; and the Number of Distributions would equal to total number of lines in your import file. But if your import file contained two lines for each purchase (a debit and a credit) then you could use the purchase date as the transaction date and and Number Of Distributions for each transaction would be 2.

    Any time someone wants to understand the import file formats, I always recommend hand entering a couple of transactions and then exporting them. That makes it easy to see how what you see on-screen relates to the import file.

  • 0 in reply to StephenC

    yes that is correct.  i can only put dates in with each "Debit and Credit" journal entry.  My journal entry consist of many deposits during the month and and maybe 1 or 2 credits to the journal entry.  i wanted to assign the date each deposit hit the account on the debit side to the cash account and then a different date to a big credit to the revenue.  It only picks up the latest date in the journal entry.  

  • 0 in reply to becpa

    What you're proposing would leave the GL out of balance from the date the first debit is posted until the date the credit gets posted, so there's definitely no Sage 50 is going to allow that. The closest you could get would be to create a holding or clearing account of some sort that you credit every time you debit cash. Then when you're ready to credit revenue you would debit the clearing account instead of cash.

  • 0 in reply to becpa

    It you  activate your automatic bank feed, you can right-click on each entry and post it.