Probably a dumb question...


I've only been using Sage, and Peachtree before it, since the windows version was introduced, so, New User! Slight smile

My wife uses Sage in the mornings to do her part, then leaves the computer running and I come in and start working. She (a user) is logged in, and I want to simply log her off and log in myself.

Can't for the life of me find a simple way to do that other than shutting Sage down and restarting it to log in as me...

In System->Company Maintenance->User Management, I can click to view all logged in users and that takes me to the Login Manager screen, and from there I can log people out, but that's not really what I'm needing. And I have to be logged in as me to get there, I think...

Maybe I should simply open a new instance of Sage 50 and log in myself, leaving hers alone?

I don't know - I'm probably missing something very simple here, or overthinking it completely - any help out there?
