Does anybody actually use Sage Drive in a multi user environment?


I did a test run about a year ago and it was kinda a mess and not particularly stable, but I wanted to check and see if anyone had taken the leap and had it working well.


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    We purchased it several weeks ago and it works well. We've had two minor instances where we needed to stop and restart a company due to sync issues. It's allowed our staff to work from home effectively. The one-user license included with a support plan wasn't enough. We needed multiple users. We use it with just 2 or 3 people at a time. I hope its as stable for companies with 10 or 20 users at a time.  

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    Hi Duckingaround, 

    I am a reseller and we have tried it in our office. It has improved over time.  We don't have issues but we have very good internet service and good computer processors.  

    I will note, it does not work with our add-ons Paya and our link for Act!

    If you are interested in giving it a try, please contact me and I can get you set up. 

    Shirley Byard, President,


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    After responding yesterday to your comment and mentioning that Sage Drive Multi User was working well, we are increasingly experiencing an issue that is a little annoying, but I'm still thankful for the technology that allows our staff to work from home at this time.

    On premises workstations located on the local area network with the server work well and can access our companies but remote workstations (even ones with an Ethernet connection to a router) are increasingly receiving this error:

    File system error number: 43 in file: C:\Sage\PEACHT~1\company\ourcompanyname\AUDITTR.DAT; Click help for more information. 

    The error is corrected when we stop sharing, then restart sharing again. For a larger company, the upload time on the restart is significant.

    Sage Knowledgebase Article ID 73395, Section I, addresses the issue when the error occurs on one computer only, when other computers have access without an issue. The Knowledgebase article has five sections of increasing intensive procedures to solve the issue. The information in the article is helpful but time consuming. Consider some administrative time by someone in your organization in your decision to upgrade to the product and also consider that it may be necessary for someone to be located on premises with the server (i'm uncertain of this) in order to perform the steps in ID 73395. 

  • 0 in reply to trr

    You need to delete the audittr.dat file.  It will increasing get worse.  It has nothing to do with Sage drive.  Always back up your data before performing this type of operation. 

  • 0 in reply to Best Business Strategies

    On the worksation or server?