Adding OCR Scan line with Check Digit to Invoice Print Templates

I need to add an OCR scan line with a check digit to our monthly invoices so that I can have the data scanned by a lockbox service.  I am wondering if anyone has any experience either adding a check digit to an invoice template OR alternatively I am thinking I can extract the necessary invoice data and conduct printing external to Peachtree.  Any tips or advice would be very appreciated.  I do not currently have any experience using Peachtree, but I have attempted to research this online without much success.  I believe I can extract invoice data, but not entirely sure where to start.  TIA.

  • Hi , thanks for reaching out.

    Did you ever find a resolution to this issue? Hope this helps bring about a resolution.

    Warm Regards,

  • in reply to Erzsi_I

    Thank you for checking in.  Unfortunately I have not yet identified a solution.  We host our version in a third party cloud so our accounting team is trying to get the OCR fonts installed.  I have identified a way in MS Excel to generate a check digit in the manner that our bank requires, but I have not yet had a chance to explore exporting invoice data from PeachTree to see if I can replicate the itemized detail through an external printing process.  I am certain there is a solution, but haven't landed on one yet.

  • Hi Peter,  We have a report designer tool that I think would be work. .  please email me and send me a layout of template you want.

    [email protected]