Does anyone know how to add the List Price as a column on the invoice?

My company was using Peachtree and recently switched to Sage50. We were told it could do everything that Peachtree could, except now we can't get the List Price from our inventory items onto the customer invoices. As a reseller, we need that information on our invoices. I already spoke Sage 50 customer service. They had told me that Expert Services could do that for a fee, but when we spoke to Expert Services, they said they couldn't do it. They said we could try to hire an outside company that may or may not be able to do that for us. The List Price is in the database, so I don't understand why it can't easily be added to the invoice. Does anyone have any advice regarding this?

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    You cannot add the List Price as a column within the Customer Invoice without writing a custom Invoice Form through the likes of Crystal Reports, Sage Intelligence, or XLGL, or having a custom programmer change the software for you (not recommended). Please contact us if you are interested in looking into having this done, 800-780-0700 or 954-961-0600.