Export Quantity Discounts in bulk

Hello! We are in the process of building a website solely for our wholesale customers. We need to be able to put in the Quantity Discounts per item/ group of items. How can you export a list of Quantity Discounts including the Minimum Qty for Discount & Discount Amount fields, not just the Qty Discount ID? Having to click into the "Maintain Qty Discounts" menu for each item would be ridiculous for the amount of items we are listing (over 2,500, and many of them have individual qty discounts)- there has to be a way to export this data, as opposed to clicking on each Qty Discount ID individually. Is there a report/form I'm missing? All material I have seen on this subject indicates only Qty Discount IDs can be pulled, not the actual pricing, which is useless. How has anyone else worked around this?