errors in drop-down lists

Is there any way to clean out dropdowns across the Sage database? Example: Over the years people have typed states like Folrida, florrida,FLorida,Florid,... etc I see these errors in the file address.dat but if I try to edit that file as a text file, just doing an overal find/replace, the .dat file is no longer useable by Sage. If I export jobs, correct and import these again, the wrong entries remain available presumably because they are on a customer address or vendor address or...

  • 0

    The state drop down can be a hard to cleanup because like you mention their are multiple entry points for that.  The easiest way I do these type of cleanups is use the List screen and add that column and then filter by the ones you want to cleanup.  Once you clear it off all records it will disappear from the drop downs.  

  • 0 in reply to bottomline

    Thanks. Bu this will mean manually adapting  through thousands of records because this is shared by customer, vendor, jobs, contacts (even including inactive ones). It is nçot onl the State field but also country and city with erros piled up over years... All of this is also captured in the address.dat file so I am still hoping there is an easy way to clean that file in one go.

  • 0 in reply to Wim73

    There is actually a 3rd party utility that would streamline this cleanup, you can reach out to me directly and I can send you a link to it.