Download tax forms

why doesn't sage have a download function for quarterly 941 forms? This would save so much time and effort when doing audits the following year! Does anyone else find that this function would be worth adding in an update to sage software? The ability to download and save tax forms to client files on the computer just seems basic these days. 

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    I am not following as you can access the tax forms in Sage from the prior year if they were filed through Sage or saved in Sage.  There is an Existing form button when you get into the tax form area and that is where you would be able to reprint the tax forms.  Also, if you are not using efile to file these you should really consider it.  I think its $85 for the year and you can file and pay all your payroll taxes and forms directly in Sage.  You can reach out if you need help setting that up.  [email protected]