HELP! Entering employee hours in payroll


When I am entering in hours worked for an employee in payroll, does Sage need me to enter in the time worked as HH:MM (hours:minutes) OR as a decimal percentage?

For example: if someone works 2 hours and 45 minutes, HH:MM would be 2:45. But if Sage uses a decimal system as a percent of an hour, then it would be 2.75 (2 hours plus 75/100ths of an hour.)

I had a long online chat with Sage tech support and they insist that payroll should be entered as HH:MM, but if that's true then you shouldn't be able to enter in minutes greater than 59, but you can. When I asked if there was any documentations/instructions on how to enter time, she said there was none anywhere. I'm afraid to trust tech support as they've given us incorrect answers in the past. Can anyone help?