Rollups Across Segments


Our segments are NNN-DD-PPP-CC where N are the natural accounts, D are the departments, P are the Products Categories, and C are the Product sub classes.  

Our chart of accounts for revenue looks something like this:

.... and so on

I can create a financial revenue report where I roll up revenue across product categories with the rollup mask 111-11-111-**.  This gives me:

Product Category 1: Aggregate Total across all classes...
Product Category 2: Aggregate Total across all classes...
Product Category n: Aggregate Total across all classes...

But in some scenarios, I also want to report by Product Sub Class.  So I want to see aggregate totals for ClassA across all Product Categories.  Naturally, I can just select the appropriate segment and see the totals for just that one segment, but I'd like the report aggregated much like the Product Categories aggregation:

Class A: Aggregate Total across all product categories...
Class B: Aggregate Total across all product categories...
Class C: Aggregate Total across all product categories...

I can't do a rollup of 111-11-***-11 as the asterisks must be trailing.  

So my question:  If I have Segments A, B, and C, and in that order, I can easily aggregate all the C items into a B category, but can I aggregate all the B items into a C category???

We sell gas in a container.  So we sell gases Oxygen and Nitrogen.  And those gases are sold in Milk Cartons versus Coffee Cups.  I want to be able to analyze revenues by container - how do coffee cups perform versus milk cartons (regardless of gas).  But I also want to be able to analyze revenues by gas - how does Oxygen sales perform versus Nitrogen sales, regardless of what container it was sold in.  Here, the problem is clearly that the B and C portions of the segment hierarchy are interchangeable and there are reasons that I may want to report aggregates on either.  But it seems that Sage 50 forces you to pick on hierarchy and limits the reports in that fashion?