Importing inventory prices from Excel

What is the procedure to accurately import to Sage 50 new pricing on inventory items through an Excel spreadsheet?  Specifically I am having difficulty in locating the file to import from, does it need to be saved as a certain type of file?

  • Hi DWARD,

    Are you using Sage 50 CA or Sage 50 US?



  • in reply to Derek Vink

    Sorry, US

  • in reply to DWARD

    Ok, thanks for clarifying.  Since your post relates directly to Sage 50 US, I will move your question to that Support Group so that other users of this software will see it and can offer their thoughts and insight.



  • Were you able to do this? I am trying to figure out how to import a price increase too. But I have not had much success with the practice companies.
  • in reply to Meghan Jose
    We offer this service for a fee if you need help.

  • in reply to Meghan Jose

    The easy way to do this is create an export of from Select Import/Export, Inventory, Inventory Item List. This will give you a template on how to format your Excel Spreadsheet. Use that format to import your new prices. You can cut down on the number of columns you import by reviewing the Sage 50 Help and searching for "Inventory Item List Fields (Import/Export)". If the Item ID already exists within your dataset it will just overwrite the new field values you are importing.

    Good luck

  • This is how I change Item Prices. In Maintain Item Prices choose 1 item (as a test). Choose Ok on the 1st screen takes you to this screen (above). I want to adjust the New Price level increase by 10%. In the select which levels to adjust to I only check the ones I want and they appear as columns below.  Select the method of Adjustment and in this case I chose current, percent increase, as 10%. Then hit the "Recalc" button at the top of the screen. This will show you the new price in the columns you selected.  When you Save the screen it will update all of the item pricing for the items on the screen.  Make a backup before you do this because there is no "undo" after you Save the screen.