Convert employee from hourly to salary?

I have an hourly employee who has been promoted to a salaried position.  How do I accomplish this? Updating the Employee Pay Method to Salary makes the previous payroll this period go haywire - worked hours now reporting as a bonus hours at the salary rate.


Sage 2021 SR-1

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    You can set up the Employee with a different Employee ID, and then when it comes to W2 Reporting, you can merge the two records (this is a function during W2 printing) so that they only get one W2 with their totals for each of the respective fields. This way, your Hourly Payments history for the Employee can be kept separately from their Salaried Payments, and then next year, you can just use the Salaried version of the Employee and mark the other Employee ID INACTIVE. 800-780-0700 / 954-961-0600