Duplicates Customer Id skip and Import to sage 50


I am using sage 50 U.S Edition and Visual Studio 2013. I need to import sales order csv file to sage 50 if customer id is not available in sage 50 customer details that sales order customer id will be import to customer details ,if already exists customer id it will skip and import process continue from next record.....Please give solution...

  • Ok. A couple of things. First, I'm not sure I understand the logic for your imports. You're trying to import sales orders, but will skip a record if the customer ID on the sales order already exists? Or do you mean you skip the record if the customer ID doesn't exist? Please try to be as clear as possible, as we'll be able to help much better the more we understand your situation.

    Regardless of your import logic, there are tools out there that can help simplify this process. Sage Connect by APCON Consulting can mirror your Sage 50 data to a SQL database. You can then write to the SQL DB and the changes are written back to Sage 50. This might simplify your programming work,since it removes the need to deal with all the Sage 50 connection logic. If you're interested, I can put you in contact with them.

  • Ok. A couple of things. First, I'm not sure I understand the logic for your imports. You're trying to import sales orders, but will skip a record if the customer ID on the sales order already exists? Or do you mean you skip the record if the customer ID doesn't exist? Please try to be as clear as possible, as we'll be able to help much better the more we understand your situation.

    Regardless of your import logic, there are tools out there that can help simplify this process. Sage Connect by APCON Consulting can mirror your Sage 50 data to a SQL database. You can then write to the SQL DB and the changes are written back to Sage 50. This might simplify your programming work,since it removes the need to deal with all the Sage 50 connection logic. If you're interested, I can put you in contact with them.

  • in reply to Nestor Diaz


    once i import sales order csv file using peachwserver in dotnet technology. If have customer id in sales order csv file and if doesnt have customer details in sage 50 then i cant import sales order details to sage 50.How can  import sales order customer id into sage 50 customer details?

  • in reply to Nestor Diaz


    1.In sales order customer id  does not exists in customer details means not skip the record ,that customer id need to import  to new customer details.