Do I Need A New Application ID For Each Installation?


We have a developer license and application ID which we have used to create a connector that pulls data from an ERP into Sage 50. It runs as a windows service. It has worked well on all our development boxes. Yesterday, we tried to install the windows service on our customer's server but our installer failed. After hours of experimenting, I decided to mangle our application ID in our code and discovered that our installer also started failing on our development boxes.

Do we need another application ID for our customer's installation? They have a multi-user license.

Parents Reply
  • 0 in reply to tundebabzy

    Whenever you are connecting to a non-sample company database, an application ID would be necessary. Also, If you recompile your code, you have to re-authorize the application from the Sage 50 admin user login. When you login to Sage 50 desktop as the admin user, you should see a message to authorize the recompiled application.

  • 0 in reply to SoumenS
    Whenever you are connecting to a non-sample company database, an application ID would be necessary. Also, If you recompile your code, you have to re-authorize the application from the Sage 50 admin user login. When you login to Sage 50 desktop as the admin user, you should see a message to authorize the recompiled application.

    Ok. We reckon we shouldn't need a new application ID for the customer's installation then since the one we have is not expired