Error: Unable to load DLL 'w3dbav90.dll' in w7 64-bit webservice

We installed the sage50 and SDK in 5 machines now, we are trying to make a VS2010 web project to work with the sage50 sdk. Of the 5 machines 2 are w7 32-bit and the proyect works fine, on the other 3 w7 64-bit we are getting a  "Unable to load DLL 'w3dbav90.dll': The specified module could not be found. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x8007007E)" error in session.begin(""). We've done a lot of changes in the VS settings, the iis and application pool, we also try to reference the .dll and nothing worked. 

This looks definetly a 64bit issue or we need to know what to do different in the 64bit, we installed and configured the same in all 5 pc. We are stuck right now in this error:

Message: Unable to load DLL 'w3dbav90.dll': The specified module could not be found. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x8007007E)

Source: Sage.Peachtree.DataAccess


at Sage.Peachtree.DataAccess.PervasiveDTISession.PervasiveDTI.PvStart(UInt32 reserved)

at Sage.Peachtree.DataAccess.PervasiveDTISession.Start()
at Sage.Peachtree.DataAccess.PervasiveDTISession..ctor()
at Sage.Peachtree.DataAccess.DatabaseInfoDLO.GetDatabaseList(String serverName)
at Sage.Peachtree.DataAccess.DatabaseInfoDLO.GetPeachtreeGlobalDbName(String serverName, String dataPath)
at Sage.Peachtree.Domain.GlobalContext.PreOpen()
at Sage.SBD.ACS.Framework.BusinessLogic.ContextBase.OpenTemplateMethod()
at Sage.Peachtree.Domain.APIGlobalContext.Open()
at Sage.Peachtree.API.GlobalContext.Open()
at Sage.Peachtree.API.PeachtreeSession.Begin(String applicationIdentifier)

We have tried a lot of things, so if you need to know anything just ask. Please give us any advice you can.


PeachtreeSession apiSession = new PeachtreeSession();
if (apiSession.SessionActive)


apiSession.Begin(""); // Error. We have tried using the Application ID.

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    w3dbav90.dll is part of the Pervasive installation -- it's the Pervasive Distributed Tuning Interface. It's normally installed in %ProgramFiles%\PervasiveSoftware\PSQL\Bin\ or %ProgramFiles(x86)%\PervasiveSoftware\PSQL\Bin\ (depending if it is 32-bit or 64-bit, respectively)

    Is this DLL on your machine? Is the directory it is in part of your path for the Windows account run by your web server?