.NET SDK Employees and Custom Fields on Jobs

Hi, I'm using the .NET SDK, and I'm trying to do two things:

1. Find Employees by SS No - I don't see this as an available property on the Employee class.  How is this done?

2. Find Jobs via a Custom Field - I don't see how to link to Custom Fields from the Job class.  How is this done?

  • 0

    Hello, unfortunately neither of those criteria are available as filter criteria currently. As a general rule of thumb if the public property doesn't exist for the class then you won't be able to filter on that path.

  • 0 in reply to wood

    Thank you for the feedback.  Is there a way at all to get this data through the SDK (i.e. if I loop through Employees, can I access the SS No. field from the Employee class and likewise can I access the Custom Fields on the Job class)?  In other words, is there any way to read this data from the SDK even if it means processing every record?

  • 0 in reply to wood

    Thank you for the feedback.  Is there a way at all to get this data through the SDK (i.e. if I loop through Employees, can I access the SS No. field from the Employee class and likewise can I access the Custom Fields on the Job class)?  In other words, is there any way to read this data from the SDK even if it means processing every record?
