• How to set date range for customer export? sage50 api question.

    Im exporting sage50 customer details in this code. Please let me know how can I set date range to the exporter object so that will pull only contact updates within certain dates. Code- exporter = (Export)ptApp.CreateExporter(PeachwIEObj.peachwIEObjContactsList…
  • Integrating with SAGE cloud

    Hi, Sorry if this is the wrong forum but I did not find a better match. I have a client currently using SAGE 50 2018 that is considering upgrading to SAGE cloud, and we need to know if there is a way to import invoices and export customer data from…
  • What is the Filed for Expense account for Vendor on Export when using the COM API

    Using the COM API, I was able to export VendorId, VendorName. But when it tried to import Expense account, I was not able to distinguish which peachwIEObjVendorListField to use. So, I tried to use Exporter.AddToExportFieldList((short)PeachwIEObjVendorListField…