Error when Importing Sales Orders


Hello All, 

I am trying to import sales orders created from a third party. All works as it should, except when adding a discount to a line item. I get an error that says "ERROR: Line item extended price must be equal to line item unit price times line item order quantity". This is only when applying a discount. I can see in the text file that the math is correct, though it wont import. 

I thought it might be the third party software, so I made an order in Sage, exported it, and tried to import it as is. The orders that do not have any discounts import correctly, though the lines with discounts give the above error. 

Any help would be appreciated! Thanks!

  • 0

    I've tried to do an import also, in the DEMO company

    I exported Quote 1791 from Capital Planners then edited it in NOTEPAD to be quote 1799 , no other changes

    I then saved and tried to import back into DEMO, and the quote failed

    Why?   The errors say the is a switch for discount in A/R not set (invoice Preferences)  and yes discount isnot checked by default

    I then tried checking the discount ON and then reimporting and I still ERRORED

    It is failing at the COST times QTY equals Extended price

  • 0 in reply to Vince Settipane

    I next edited the file and did the line item math without the discount, changed the extended price from 650.00 to 750.00

    and the IMPORT worked (some what), the QUOTE never applies a $10 discount per

    I then opened the new quote 1799 and the discount field is filled with 10.00 but the extended is $750 ,
    line item is QTY 10 of a $75 bouquet - $10 (discount) equals $650

    I then edited the line item and the discount was finally applied correctly.

  • 0 in reply to Vince Settipane

    Once you hit ACCEPT for the LINE ITEM,  the AMOUNT changes and so does the SUBTOTAL

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