NumberFormat in custom A/P Forms- cannot find documentation to format output


I am trying to format the output on an A/P check using "NumberFormat", but I cannot figure out how the parameters work. The pre-loaded formats look like this:

!\(999\)\ 000\-0000;0;

Social Security Number



What I would like to do specifically is:

  • Format Check Number with leading zeroes
  • Add a character (always the same character) before and after the check number

So, if the check number is 1234, the output should be: x001234x

Thank you in advance for any assistance.

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  • 0 in reply to Vince Settipane

    Understood, Vince. I was able to get close, but not 100% I am guessing that it is just a bug in BW

  • 0 in reply to Vince Settipane

    UPDATE: I solved the problem by using this format:


    My solution does not generate leading zeroes, but it does produce useable output by prepending and appending the necessary characters to the check number. Ultimately, I had to "brute force" my way to the solution; I really wish there was some documentation on how the formatting works. For example, I have no idea why there's an exclamation mark at the beginning, and why the format ends with ";0;". I did notice that sometimes when I made changes to the DisplayFormat entry, the software would not reflect the changes in the output until I exited the module and reloaded it.

    Anyway, thanks again for your input, Vince! I appreciate your efforts.