Vendor Reporting YTD LY Results


How can we do a report to show how much money we spend with each vendor for last year?

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    Hi  ,

    Thanks for your question. To compile a comprehensive report detailing your expenditures with each vendor for the previous year, you can utilize several reports and inquiry tasks within Sage BusinessWorks that are specifically designed to research vendor transactions.

    Here are the steps you can follow:

    1. AP, Reports, Invoice GL Distribution Report: This report will display the General Ledger accounts to which invoice amounts were distributed, allowing you to see where your money is going in terms of vendor payments.

    2. AP, Reports, Purchases / Adjustments Journal:

      • The Purchases Journal Report lists details such as the invoice date, invoice number, vendor ID, name, reference, and the original invoice amount, providing a clear overview of each transaction.
      • The Adjustments Journal Report shows the date, type of transaction (credit, debit, or application of open credits), reference, vendor, amount, and account, which helps in tracking any adjustments or corrections made.
    3. AP, Vendors, Vendor Inquiry: This feature allows you to examine information on a specific vendor. By selecting the Transaction button and choosing the period you wish to examine, you can locate the invoices you're interested in reviewing. Clicking on the Details button will display all activity linked to that invoice.

    4. AP, Reports, Detail Report: For a detailed view, this report shows invoice information and all Accounts Payable transactions by vendor for the specified period. It's particularly useful for analyzing spending on a per-vendor basis over the last year.

    5. AP, Reports, Check Register: This is useful for obtaining a listing of all Checks/EFTs posted within a specific date range, helping to verify payments made to vendors.

    By using these tools and reports, you can effectively track and review your spending with each vendor for the last year, providing valuable insights into your company's expenditure patterns.  Hope this helps! If you need further assistance or have more questions, please don't hesitate to reach out.

    Warm regards,