Export item data from invoice


i would like to made the report "Part Sales by Customer Report" with access.

I made the invoice from order. I extract all data from the table oelineitem, but i can't have the information of the qty and the item for each invoice.

For example, :

I create 3 invoice from 1 order, i would like to display the quantity of a certain item for each invoice, but in oelineitem i only have one rows for tthe item with the total qty that is inthe order.

how can i do to have the single qty for invoice for this item?

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    The OElineItem table has the line items for kits, invoices, orders, quotes and returns.  To get the invoice line items you would need to filter on the oelineitem.Type.   An oelineitem.type = "I" are invoices, oelineitem.type = "O" are orders, etc.  

    In the OE, transfer, custom exports create a template and use the OE invoices line items data source.  Select the fields you need including the oelineitem Shipqty, oelineitem unitprice and oelineitem extendedprice.  This will show the shipped quantity on each invoice.  Filter on the item you are looking for.

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    The OElineItem table has the line items for kits, invoices, orders, quotes and returns.  To get the invoice line items you would need to filter on the oelineitem.Type.   An oelineitem.type = "I" are invoices, oelineitem.type = "O" are orders, etc.  

    In the OE, transfer, custom exports create a template and use the OE invoices line items data source.  Select the fields you need including the oelineitem Shipqty, oelineitem unitprice and oelineitem extendedprice.  This will show the shipped quantity on each invoice.  Filter on the item you are looking for.
