Voided Payments Report


I am trying to create a custom AR report with just the voided payments in a given time frame. I don't know how to capture just the voided payments. I tried entering different numbers into the payments status filter field but that didn't get me what I needed. Does anyone know how to accomplish this? 

Thank you

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    Whenever someone is creating a custom report and has questions regarding the fields and field selection I am going to refer them to Knowledge Base Article #19339 "Where do I find the table and filed names? "

    In answer to your question, there is no simple answer. There are actually various variables for the status for Payments. Under the seciton “A/R Payment (ARPayment)” roughly around Page 54/159 it explains it.

    This number is determined by adding the following values together:
    Distribution count 1 – 10
    No 0
    Yes 256
    Voiding prior month payment?
    No 0
    Yes 1024
    Deposit status
    Not deposited or flagged 0
    Deposited to AP 4096
    Flagged for deposit 8192
    Example: A payment distributed to 3 invoices and deposited to AP will have a value of 3 + 4096 = 4099

    If you have more questions on this calculation, I would recommend calling customer support at 800-447-5700 so they can address any of your specific questions.