eTakeoff for Sage Estimating: Issue restoring eTakeoff Dimension and Bridge databases for Client/Server users

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eTakeoff software notice 16-A was sent on 4/201/2016.

Database restoration files are not being updated correctly during the backup procedure.
Although current data is backed up regularly, if you try to restore your database after a crash, the restored database will not be current.
You or your IT staff should either update or overwrite the Client/Server dynamic dump scripts for your Dimension and Bridge databases immediately.
Knowledgebase article 75290 provides detailed information about how to update these scripts, and it includes text files that you can use to overwrite the scripts.
Warning! If you or your IT staff modified these scripts previously (for example, the server software folder location, database folder locations, or the time and frequency of backups), you need to make the same changes to the attached scripts if you choose to overwrite rather than update the scripts.
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