Sage Estimating: Issue with addon totals in version 15.12

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Sage Estimating Software Notice 16-D was sent on 6/23/2016.

In the Sage Estimating Detail window, when you change the details for an item that incurs addon charges, the addon amount and item grand totals may not be updated properly in the spreadsheet until you recalculate the totals.
For example, if you change the unit price of labor for a spreadsheet Item, and labor for the Item incurs an addon fee, the totals (including the addon amount) appear correctly in the Totals Page window. However, the addon amount and item grand totals in the spreadsheet may not be updated, or they may appear to be updated until you click any cell in the spreadsheet .
This issue will be fixed in version 16.11, which is scheduled for release in August 2016.
Whenever you change the quantity or unit price in the Detail window for an item that incurs addon charges, be sure to click the Recalculate button in the Totals window.
Refer to knowledgebase article 76744 for more information.
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