Drill-down capability on Departmental Income Statements in V20.5?


Is there a known glitch with the drill-down capability on departmental income statements in the Sage100 Contractor 2017 V20.5?  It just sits and spins when trying to drill down to see the detail within a general ledger account.

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    verified answer
    Drill down works fine in my 20.5 Sample Company.

    Sometimes drill down gets weird when there's a problem with the report that drill down pulls up - in this case 2-4-0-51. Can you run 2-4-0-51 from the 2-4 menu? Is there a default report form or other default print settings for 2-4-0-51 that may be problematic? Try clearing print defaults for 2-4-0-51 and then run a departmental income statement and test drill down again.
  • 0
    verified answer
    Drill down works fine in my 20.5 Sample Company.

    Sometimes drill down gets weird when there's a problem with the report that drill down pulls up - in this case 2-4-0-51. Can you run 2-4-0-51 from the 2-4 menu? Is there a default report form or other default print settings for 2-4-0-51 that may be problematic? Try clearing print defaults for 2-4-0-51 and then run a departmental income statement and test drill down again.