Only some users can see all the archived company data, how do I allow other users to see them?


We have about 30 archived companies going all the way back to 2013 and only three users are able to actually see the archived companies.

I looked at this article on how to map a network drive and can confirm that all users have the necessary folder for them to be able to see the archives, but still have had no luck.

I also looked into changing where the backups were stored back to their original source and noticed that I have two MB7 folders from times when the backup source was different.

How do I fix this?

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  • 0 in reply to Ideal IT

    Please note this is not intended to be a Sage Support forum, but a user community. The issue described in this post appears to be too complex to be handled in this forum. Some issues, like this one, are best handled by contacting Sage Support directly.

  • 0 in reply to Ideal IT

    Hey Ideal IT, 

    From the emails above, it does appear that you are asking about Sage 100 Contractor because of the reference to the \MB7 folder.  That is the old Sage 100 Contractor up to version 19 (FoxPro) and no longer supported.  We are now using version 22 which is SQL, so the only data that should even be showing in any MB7 folder would be old archives you have not yet migrated to the SQL version.

    Mapping a drive only worked for the mb7 folders.  SQL does not use mapped folders.  To contact Sage tech support, you'll need to use the chat button inside the SQL version.  You'll need the customers Sage ID and the name of someone listed on their account in order for Sage to recognize you.  I am a Sage certified consultant, so if you can't get an answer, I can do a gotomeeting with you to review what you have and hopefully resolve it.