Invoice Register


I just posted an invoice register and chose to select Print to Adobe PDF.  I was not paying attention to where I saved it.  How can I pull that up in Sage for review?

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    If you are using Windows 10, use file explorer and a list of recent files are generally listed.  You can right click on any file to see the file properties and see where you saved it.  Or you can search for *.pdf (an astericks is wild and will bring up any file with a pdf extension)  and bring up a list of pdf files and then sort them by date order to see the list of recent pdf files.

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    If you are using Windows 10, use file explorer and a list of recent files are generally listed.  You can right click on any file to see the file properties and see where you saved it.  Or you can search for *.pdf (an astericks is wild and will bring up any file with a pdf extension)  and bring up a list of pdf files and then sort them by date order to see the list of recent pdf files.
