How to turn off "Consolidated" lines when posting from 4-2 (Payable Invoice) to 1-3(Journal Transaction) ?


While trying to prepare for budget, I'm pulling the transactions per GL Account and classifying them.   However when I do this, it's pulling the details from the 1-3 (Journal Transactions) so half of my detail just shows "consolidated" for description.   I've pulled the report into excel, then opened the "report on screen" and have been drilling into each of these "consolidated" details to find out what is behind it but it's taking forever!   Is there a setting we can change (even if it's just going forward) that when I post a Payable Invoice that each line gets posted individually in the Journal transaction also? 

Piggy-backing on this question:  Is there a setting we can change that if a Payable Invoice has an attachment, the attachment is also included on the Journal Transaction so I don't have to drill down to see the receipts? 

Thanks so much for your help in advance!