Upgrade Sage 100 24.2.1

We are upgrading our sage 100 server after year end was completed

In sage database administrator to upgrade the database It goes through the backup then about 10 mins into upgrade and a white error pops up sage upgrade errors out nothing else?

Any one have this happen if so how to get around it?

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    Error: "An error occurred while attempting to upgrade the 'CompanyName' database. The original database has been restored." when attempting to update a company database within the Database Administration tool in Sage 100 Contractor (SQL).

    Created on 10-13-2017 / Last modified on 01-14-2022


    Restore a backup taken before the upgrade with a different name.

    1. Open the Database Administrator and click Connect.
    2. Select Tune Up / Back Up / Restore...
    3. Select Restore Company from Backup
    4. Click the Browse button next to the "Enter the backup file you want to restore:" field.
    5. Navigate to your On Demand backups folder, open the _UpgradedCompanies folder, and select the backup that was taken when previously attempting to upgrade the company database.
    6. Enter a new, unused name in the Restore As: field.
    7. Check the box for Upgrade the company database to the latest version after restoration.
    8. It is recommended to Check Set up a nightly maintenance and backup task for the restored company: and select appropriate options.
    9. Click Restore Company.
    10. Check in Upgrade Company Databases to see if the company database appears there with the correct database version. You should now be able to open the company database in Sage 100 Contractor itself.
  • 0 in reply to Char DeLange

    This failed here is the error what next?

    Also in the DBA tool under upgrade database the upgrade shows the database we are trying to upgrade is showing so it upgraded some then errored out?

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