having a problem vendor AP checks

Is anyone else having this problem?  After doing Set to Pay, I am going to 4-3-2 Pay Vendor screen.  Click on Select All.  Click on Pay Vendors.  When 4-3-5 opens vendors in list is selected but the vendor numbers displayed are not the ones in the list.  I have to delete those and enter all the vendor numbers for the vendors I want to pay.  This happened after I installed version 19.2.  What am I doing wrong?

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    If you would like to print all the checks you have selected in the 4-3-2 window, you can remove any vendor numbers that appear in the 4-3-5 window. If you want to print a selection of the vendors from the 4-3-2 window, you can select them on 4-3-5 using the In List function or a range of vendors.

    To remove the random vendor that sometimes appears in the 4-3-5 window, select Defaults and then Delete Printing Defaults.

    I hope that helps.

    Angela N.

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    If you would like to print all the checks you have selected in the 4-3-2 window, you can remove any vendor numbers that appear in the 4-3-5 window. If you want to print a selection of the vendors from the 4-3-2 window, you can select them on 4-3-5 using the In List function or a range of vendors.

    To remove the random vendor that sometimes appears in the 4-3-5 window, select Defaults and then Delete Printing Defaults.

    I hope that helps.

    Angela N.

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    You don't need any vendor numbers defaulting at the 4-3-5 printing window where you select the check boxes for sorting alphabetically, or including zero checks.  Just remove any default vendor numbers and re-save with that field empty.  The system prints the checks for whatever vendors you selected in the 4-3-2 pay vendors window.  By having any defaults you are overriding what you did in 4-3-2.