Tip or Trick on inserting a field within TXT box if form design


Hi, So somewhere along the way Sage removed the ability to add a field into a txt box. This is killing me. I have made a bunch of forms a long time ago and I cannot modify them, I cannot rebuild them either because there is no way to do the insert. There is no longer a way to make a professional looking form from within the program, if I wanted to make this note a form within the program and insert a Vendor name here it would have to have a gap whereas before the text would grow to fit the name. I’m sure no one wanted to go backwards. If anyone knows a trick It would help. the old forms work great but wont let me save them anymore so I cant modify any of the words. Thanks John 

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  • 0 in reply to Char DeLange

    I know that you have to do that know but it was not always that way.

    I have a number of reports the old way and they still work correctly .

    My broblem began when I tried to edit one.

    I think I will set up an old version of master builder on a stand alone CPU and do the editing there then just copy the form on to my active drive.

    Its silly that it would go backwards. I think that it was just missed in the programing when they updated the engine and someday they will fix it.
