I'm having an issue in 3-7 Progress Billing.  The "Scheduled" amount changed from the original contract amount to a different amount.  It appears that the amount changed from two change can that be.....I never had the contract amount ever change nor did I think it could.  Can someone please help me with this.



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    The only way a scheduled amount can change is if you manually change it in the 3-7 screen.  However, you can still change it back.  If you log in as Supervisor, select Options on the menu and the last item isn't checked "Allow Editing Scheduled $", then check it.  That will allow you to put the scheduled amount back to what it should be.

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    The only way a scheduled amount can change is if you manually change it in the 3-7 screen.  However, you can still change it back.  If you log in as Supervisor, select Options on the menu and the last item isn't checked "Allow Editing Scheduled $", then check it.  That will allow you to put the scheduled amount back to what it should be.
