How to add lower level cost entries to Job Overview (or similar) for export to Excel?


I need to produce a file for export to excel that includes high level items such as job number, total estimate, and JTD cost, but also includes low level items including a few specific cost codes, and subcategories for materials and labor.

I have not been successful in adding the cost codes or categories to existing higher-level files such as (for example) the Job Overview, as the lower level items I need to add are not included in the options to "insert a column."

I am trying to do this with Inquiry Assistant, although I am open to using Reports, or whatever will work!

I believe this is probably a simple problem and I am just missing a step or trying to add these lower level items to the wrong higher level file. Any help would be greatly appreciated, thank you.

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    Inquiries start with a specific data file, and then you build it to drill down to the subsidiary detail. You can't "add columns" for any data field that doesn't exist in the primary data record that is the highest level of the inquiry. Sounds like you need to create a report. If using Crystal Reports, you may need to create sub reports to pull in the lower level detail. While report designer MAY be an option if the lower level detail exists for all jobs, if not then you likely need to use Crystal to link sub reports. If you are certain that lower level records exist for all jobs, then you would design a report in Report Designer starting with the lowest level of detail, and you may need to use LOOKUP formulas to pull the data from the Job Record.

    A thorough understanding of the data files structure and relationships is necessary to design reports and inquiries. From Report Designer you can print the data dictionary for the relevant files you need by going to Tools > Print Available Fields and select the relevant data files. The sort orders listed at the end of each data file shows the key relationships between different data files.
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    Inquiries start with a specific data file, and then you build it to drill down to the subsidiary detail. You can't "add columns" for any data field that doesn't exist in the primary data record that is the highest level of the inquiry. Sounds like you need to create a report. If using Crystal Reports, you may need to create sub reports to pull in the lower level detail. While report designer MAY be an option if the lower level detail exists for all jobs, if not then you likely need to use Crystal to link sub reports. If you are certain that lower level records exist for all jobs, then you would design a report in Report Designer starting with the lowest level of detail, and you may need to use LOOKUP formulas to pull the data from the Job Record.

    A thorough understanding of the data files structure and relationships is necessary to design reports and inquiries. From Report Designer you can print the data dictionary for the relevant files you need by going to Tools > Print Available Fields and select the relevant data files. The sort orders listed at the end of each data file shows the key relationships between different data files.