Exporting to Excel - date is formatted as text


When I export inquiries to Excel 2010 the dates are formatted as text and it will not allow me to change the format.  I can't sort by date then.  Does anyone else have this issue or have a way around this?

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    The easiest way I have found to handle this problem is to select the entire column, then select Data, Text to Columns, Fixed Width, Next, Next (make sure there are no column separators before you click on Next), select Date, Finish.  This converts the entire column to a date format.

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    The easiest way I have found to handle this problem is to select the entire column, then select Data, Text to Columns, Fixed Width, Next, Next (make sure there are no column separators before you click on Next), select Date, Finish.  This converts the entire column to a date format.

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