Intercompany Accounting between Data Folders


Is there a way for Sage300CRE modules to make intercompany receivable and payable entries between different companies in different datafolders?  Currently we use intercompany accounting but the companies are all within the same data folder.  

  • 0

    Hi Beth,

    Intercomapny entries are automatically created if the entries are between companies in the same General Ledger data file. Some Sage clients will setup separate company folders but share the GL files between them using File Locations, so the AP, AR, PR etc. data can be kept separate while still creating intercompany entries.

    Does that help?

  • 0 in reply to Jesse Gordon

    ok, I think I understand and we do that now with three companies, but we find it a confusing and difficult to program financial statements for several GL's in one datafolder with each GL (company) having separate ownership structure - they are all pass-thru entities (LLC's and S corps).  Was hoping to keep the GL's seperated by datafolder but still have sage300 automate the interco entries.

  • 0 in reply to Beth K.

    We may be able to get the reporting that you need by adding / modifying the prefix groups that are used to generate your financial statements. If you have an active BusinessCare Silver or Gold plan you can shoot me your account number and I can have someone contact you to take a look at it. Alternatively, you may want to reach out to your consultant and see if they have any recommendation on how you may change your setup to get it to work the way you want.


  • 0 in reply to Beth K.

    We may be able to get the reporting that you need by adding / modifying the prefix groups that are used to generate your financial statements. If you have an active BusinessCare Silver or Gold plan you can shoot me your account number and I can have someone contact you to take a look at it. Alternatively, you may want to reach out to your consultant and see if they have any recommendation on how you may change your setup to get it to work the way you want.


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