How do I correct SUI subject-to?


My state unemployment tax rate was input was entered as 10.0000 instead of .100000. It has happened for eight weeks. No taxes have actually been paid as these are due quarterly. I have corrected the tax rate in payroll set-up. I need to correct the erroneous amounts before the end of the quarter so I pay the correct amount of taxes.

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    Steps are in Knowledge Base 21156, and there is a report attached to that Knowledge Base article that will give you the difference in the tax.  You will need to issue a zero dollar check.  All pays, deductions and employEE taxes will be zero, you will  just have the amount of the difference in the employER tax.   If it happened on several checks, you can enter one check for the full amount with a check date at the end of the quarter, you do not need to enter a second check for each pay period.  

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    Steps are in Knowledge Base 21156, and there is a report attached to that Knowledge Base article that will give you the difference in the tax.  You will need to issue a zero dollar check.  All pays, deductions and employEE taxes will be zero, you will  just have the amount of the difference in the employER tax.   If it happened on several checks, you can enter one check for the full amount with a check date at the end of the quarter, you do not need to enter a second check for each pay period.  
