Error Message in PM-"job does not use project management change management system"


  Has anyone had this issue before? Do you know how to fix it? Supposedly this would happen to use every few jobs and our A/P girl had a sequence on how to fix the issue. She is currently away and we have no clue how to resolve this matter. I don't know if it had to do with someone entering in the specific job through Job Costs and not in Project Management or if it's something unrelated.

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    If you look for the corresponding contract, on the General tab is a checkmark to indicate "Use PJ change management".  If you use PJ but this check box isn't checked, I believe that is when you would get this error message.  We create Standard Contracts that always have that box checked and that way we avoid the issue of forgetting to check the box.

  • 0 in reply to Siri H.

    Thank you! We found that area and noticed it's unchecked. Only thing is, we cannot check mark it. If we hover over it, it says read only file. I'm assuming that means it's a user thing? Maybe that certain user doesn't have permission to make that change?

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    There is a check box in both Contracts and Project Management.  General tab in Contracts   and Change Managment tab in Project Management  .  If the boxes are greyed out you can open the Audit Setup Activity and make the necessary changes. Just make sure you close the Audit Setup Activity when you are done.

  • +1
    verified answer

    Hi Aabaum,

    This error means that the job in Project Management is not set to use PJ Change Management for change orders. An Administrator can change this by going to Tools, Options and selecting the Audit Setup Activity checkbox. Then go to PJ, Setup, Jobs, and on the Change Management tab, select the Use PJ Change Management checkbox.

    You can always search for error messages in our online knowledgebase at


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    Thanks everyone! So we ended up having to log in as Administrator. In the past we didn't have that log in and somehow our A/P girl had done a round about way of getting it check marked. This time, when we went into the Audit Setup Activity, it was already checked but we still couldn't access the PJ Change Management check box. Anyways, long story short we just got admin access and she had to check mark it on her end...atleast it got figured out now.

    Thank you all.