Total hours worked to date for 2019


How would I run a report to show how many total hours our employees have worked to date in 2019?

Thanks in advance for the help.

  • +1
    verified answer

    It depends on how you need the hours broken down. If you just need totals and don't need to use a cutoff date (just a YTD number) you can use Inquiry, Employee Information, Employee Hours.  Select the current PR transaction file that contains the checks for the current year. The first screen that opens comes from the PR Employee record and provides the YTD Regular Hours, YTD Overtime Hours and YTD totals hours (YTD Regular Hours = YTD Overtime Hours. When you double click on each employee it takes you to that employees PR Employee Pay records and shows the MTD QTD and YTD Hours by Pay ID. 

    You can print the information from the inquiry by selecting the printer icon at the top right hand corner of the screen (or File>Print if using the Classic Inquiry view) then select to print All visible Rows and All columns. The printed report will include a Report Total that you can't see on screen.

  • +1
    verified answer

    It depends on how you need the hours broken down. If you just need totals and don't need to use a cutoff date (just a YTD number) you can use Inquiry, Employee Information, Employee Hours.  Select the current PR transaction file that contains the checks for the current year. The first screen that opens comes from the PR Employee record and provides the YTD Regular Hours, YTD Overtime Hours and YTD totals hours (YTD Regular Hours = YTD Overtime Hours. When you double click on each employee it takes you to that employees PR Employee Pay records and shows the MTD QTD and YTD Hours by Pay ID. 

    You can print the information from the inquiry by selecting the printer icon at the top right hand corner of the screen (or File>Print if using the Classic Inquiry view) then select to print All visible Rows and All columns. The printed report will include a Report Total that you can't see on screen.
