My company EIN is incorrect on 1099's How do I edit my company EIN?


My company EIN is incorrect on 1099's.  How do I edit my company EIN?

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    go into GL, Setup and then to Prefix/Base (A,B, Base) if you have A & B plus the base set up then go into prefix A and in the center is a gray box "fiscal setting" click on that and you will see the tax id number in the middle of the page.

    I hope this helps.

  • +1 in reply to Christine Matz
    verified answer


    1.Thank you for the suggestion.  As it turns out, the incorrect EIN wasn't in a sage setting, I misunderstood the Aatrix 1099 preparation instructions and entered one of my 1099 recipients EIN where I should've enterd our number. 

    2.  Regarding the GL Prefix/Base window you mentioned, Sage support verified that due to our company setup, we don't have that window. 

    3.  Thank you again for your willingness to help!

    Warmest regards,

    Charlie Menghetti (AKA Struggling in Modesto!)