Running Sage 300 CRE in the cloud


We are looking to run Sage 300 CRE on our cloud servers.  I know how to migrate the data and get it working on the server.  What about the clients.  Any recommendation on how to set up the client machines so that they perform as if the server was still on premise?  We are also running Piracle Create-a-Check to print physical checks.

Any ideas would be appreciated.

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    Its my understanding that you can only run Sage 300 CRE in the cloud if running a terminal server or Citrix server farm on the same cloud tenant haring all your users access it through that connection.  No type of VPN or other internet based connection is supported and pretty much will not work well anyway if you try it.  Pervasive is too chatty. 

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    verified answer

    If you are moving your Sage server off premises you are going to want as little latency between where you are running the applications and the Sage 300 CRE server. This will help keep the application from crashing, and will also reduce performance hits from the network. Basic options would be:

    - User workstations in the environment. Something like Citrix or RDS would be reasonable answers.

    - RDP to the Sage server itself.

    From a security perspective I prefer the first option. I would 100% recommend against going over a VPN connection between the location of client installs and your Sage server.

  • +1 in reply to jstone1

    Now that you say it your way I guess 'Windows as service", MS's newer product, may work as well as long as they are in the same tenant.