SOC_E on Deposit summary NOT = Adjusted SOC_E Tax (Report Total)


SOC_E on Deposit summary is different then Adjusted SOC_E Tax on SOC_E Calculation Report for COVID19 Related Pays, this should not be?  Which number is correct and why are they different?

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    verified answer

    Hi Lisa, The PR COVID19 SOC_E Tax Calculation report that is provided in KB 104105 was provided as a tool to help you determine what the correct numbers are and to faciliate the processing of the Federal Form 941 form.

    The adjusted SOC_E tax on this report would only match the SOC_E tax on the deposit summary if you did not pay any employees any COVID19 emergency sick or family leave pays (as outlined in KB 103997).

    The Adjusted SOC_E Tax on that report calculates the wages subject to SOC_E by subtracting the COVID19 Emergency Pays from  the amount Subject to SOC_E and multiplying that by the SOC_E tax rate.

    There are additional KBs with more information as well as videos in the KB that will be helpful.

     If you have not already viewed the videos attached to KBs 105499 and 104502, you may want to watch those first, then refer to KBs 105192, 104105 and 103997 for further information related to the COVID emergency pays and process to complete the 941 report

    Reach out to your tax advisor to determine which number is "correct". 

    Give us a call at Sage support for questions regarding how the reports work and where numbers are coming from.