Inquiry Sorting

Why can't I sort data in inquiries? Will this functionality ever be added to Sage 300 CRE?

  • I'll go ahead and answer myself here: no, sorting options will not be added. Thanks Sage!

  • in reply to B. Thornton

    Can you provide more specific information about the application and inquiry you would like to sort and how you would like to be able to sort it by?

  • in reply to Denise Paulus

    I would like all inquiries, including all my custom inquiries to be sortable by any field in the inquiry, in any order.

  • in reply to B. Thornton

    You can export your inquiries into excel, there is the little excel button on the top of the inquiry window. Once in excel you can sort it however you like. Unfortunately there is no sorting them directly in the system.

  • in reply to [email protected]

    Thanks, although I still think something is getting left out. Can anyone tell me if sorting is going to be added at any point soon? To be honest, this is one of the reasons that after over three years I still cannot recommend Sage to anyone. It is the 21st century and your software cannot dump my table to RAM, run a few sorting algorithms, and print it back out? Weak.

  • in reply to B. Thornton

    The Inquiry Designer application provides ability to modify inquries including ability to sort the records in the desired order. There are literally thousands of fields and hundreds of different records in the database. The software also provides ability to customize many of the descriptions as well as ability to add your own custom fields.  Providing abiltiy to sort on every single field in the database within the inquiries provided with the software isn't feasible.  The software provides the ability for you to customize it to fit your needs using Inquiry Designer.  The inquries that are provided with the software do include the ability to sort on many key fields already.  Exporting the inquiry to Excel then sorting the data in the resluting workbook is the best option when you need the information sorted differently than any sort option available within the inquiry view.

  • in reply to Denise Paulus

    I need to post a correction to my last statement. In Inquiry designer records can only be sorted based on the standard orders established within each table.  For example information from the PR Employee table can be sorted based on the following standard orders. ...

  • in reply to Denise Paulus

    I need to post a correction to my last statement. In Inquiry designer records can only be sorted based on the standard orders established within each table.  For example information from the PR Employee table can be sorted based on the following standard orders. ...
