Joint Check


Does anyone have experience tracking joint checks at the commitment level?  I have attempted to set this up and it tries to pay the whole amount of the joint check agreement on the first invoice.  Is there a way for me to be able to set it up at the commitment level where it would flag the JCA without trying ot pay the entire JCA amount on the first invoice?

Thank you!

  • 0

    We enter a commitment change order for each joint check agreement. That way, we invoice each pay application accordingly. That way we are tracking our joint check agreement, and ensuring the subcontractor only draws the contract amount, less the joint check agreements.

  • 0 in reply to Tim Mickunas

    Thank you for your reply!  I should have given a little more information.  We are testing the Procore ERP integration tool for Subcontractor invoicing in attempts to automate our invoicing process.  We could definitely use CCOs to indicate the amounts that need to be paid joint check.  Can you set up the CCO to always know to pay the secondary vendor?

    Thank you!!

  • 0 in reply to Tim Mickunas

    Thank you for your reply!  I should have given a little more information.  We are testing the Procore ERP integration tool for Subcontractor invoicing in attempts to automate our invoicing process.  We could definitely use CCOs to indicate the amounts that need to be paid joint check.  Can you set up the CCO to always know to pay the secondary vendor?

    Thank you!!
