Invoice Payment Workflow


Right now we enter our job commitments, corresponding change orders and corresponding job invoices into Sage.  But when subcontractors send us invoices asking for payment, I am tracking all of these in Excel to determine what's been asked, what's been paid, what can be paid, etc. 

I'm looking for a way to do all of this in Sage 300.   My company has never utilized SAge for what it can do but being the new office manager I'm determined to streamline the process into one place, being Sage.

We use Job Cost to enter commitments, change orders, billings and receipts.

We use AP to enter invoices sent to us.

How do I combine all of these processes into one so I can track what is being asked/paid for all of our jobs?

thank you!

  • 0

    Job Cost - Inquriry - Committed Cost - "Commitment Administration" should give you the information you need. You can condition the inquiry to only show commitments for specific jobs. You double-click on each column to see details. For example, the Amount Invoiced column will show you all the invoices input for that commitment when you double-click on the total mount invoiced.

    Hope this helps!

  • 0 in reply to kaysong70

    That does help but i'm lookign for somethign that is more report-like?  So it shows the original contract amoutn, change orders, revised contract, amount invoiced, amount paid but then the balance would reflect actual payments made or not.  On this if the contract is $1,000 and they've invoiced $1,000, I woudl expect the balance column to show $1,000 but it's just blank.  It's like we have to make a payment in order for anything to show there.  I want to be able to look at a report and see all the history and know exactly what I have left to pay. Does that make sense?

  • 0 in reply to Amorton

    Hi Amorton,

    How do you want the balance to be calculated?  The report Committed Cost with Detail shows the original commitment amount, change orders, revised amounts, invoices billed against the commitment, retainage, the amount paid and then the balance is the revised committed amounts less what what was invoiced.  See the picture I attached.  If you would like the balance to be calculated another way please email me at [email protected] and we can arrange designing a custom report for you.

  • 0 in reply to Amorton

    I apologize. It will not allow me to insert a picture.

  • 0 in reply to Amorton

    The balance column is always going to be the balance to bill. Balance to bill is the default on the canned reports You would have to use Inquiry Designer to modify that column to show balance to pay.

    There is a report Job Cost-Reports-Committed Cost-"Committed Cost Status" or "Committed Cost with Detail" if you want the invoice details. But, as stated above, the balance column is the balance to bill. So, if you have received invoices for the entire committed amount, it will show zero. You can use Report Designer to add a balance to pay column.

    If you had the Project Mangaement module, there is an inquiry in that module, Subcontract Log, where there are two balance columns. One is balance to bill and the other is balance to pay.

    I made the change to the report but am unable to upload the report to this reply. I'll see if I can send it to you directly.

  • 0 in reply to kaysong70

    Actually it looks like we do have Project Mgmt. But when I bring up the Subcontract Log there are no Balances columnsn.

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    I would check into Timberscan - it would make this process more accountable and seamless 

  • 0 in reply to Amorton

    This is very common in Sage, balances or totals don't show on certain reports. If you run an inquiry in Project Management- Contracts by Subcontractor, it shows the balance to invoice. You can also add a column to an inquiry with a formula and then save that inquiry as a custom inquiry. I actually used the PJ report Subcontract Log w/ Detail and made a custom report adding a column for the Contract Balance after I took a little webinar on report design.

  • 0 in reply to L Andersen

    OMG YEs this is exactly what I want to do.  The PJ report Sub Log with Detail is exactly what I need except it does not have the Contract Balance.  I"m new to using Sage.  Any chance you could email me the steps for adding that column?? I've been trying to monkey with Report Deisgner but getting nowhere.

  • 0 in reply to Amorton

    The easiest way i've been able to find this information is through an Inquiry. Then you can export the information to excel. You can customize your inquiry screens to suit your needs, which has been less expensive and time consuming than report writing.