ODBC does not like other passwords except for "password"



I'm trying to set up a connection to a Sage300CRE company using a "DSNLess" ODBC connection.  It appears that the only password it will accept without giving me an ERROR [28000] [Sage][SQLEngine] (31830) Username and password is required - is "password"  (all lower case).

This isn't a file permissions issue - i'm running as a local admin on a sage installation on my local PC - and it works if the password is "password" .  Tried the code on windows 10, and on Windows Server 2019

Is there a way to have a somewhat more obscure password other that just "password"?

Here is the connection string I am using.

<add key="ConnectionString"  value="Driver=Timberline Data;UID=sageuser;PWD=password;DBQ=C:\\ProgramData\\Sage\\TIMBERLINE OFFICE\\Data\\Electrical Contractor Sample Data;CODEPAGE=1252;"/>

Thanks in advance!

  • The password will be set in the softwares security function. You will find Security Administration on the Sage Desktop if you log in as a user with Security Administrator permissions. Security Administration is under Options. Under User Setup you will find a user named "sageuser" who currently has a password "password". Be aware that if you change the password on this user anyone logging in as "sageuser" will also need to know the new password. it could be wiser setting up a new user solely for ODBC/SQL data calls.

  • 0 in reply to ieXcel with Sage 300 CRE

    Thanks IeExcel.  Yes, ive been working on that Security Administration screen.  Whenever I change the password to anything other than "password", and I change the odbc string to match, the odbc connection will not work.  I can try any combination of user names, upper/lower case, special characters, no special characters, and the result is the same.   It will only work if the password is "password".    it's almost like something is hardcoded somewhere...   any ideas?

  • 0 in reply to ieXcel with Sage 300 CRE

    Thanks IeExcel.  Yes, ive been working on that Security Administration screen.  Whenever I change the password to anything other than "password", and I change the odbc string to match, the odbc connection will not work.  I can try any combination of user names, upper/lower case, special characters, no special characters, and the result is the same.   It will only work if the password is "password".    it's almost like something is hardcoded somewhere...   any ideas?

  • 0 in reply to John Gavilan

    Hi John, I have known Excel (for example) to retain the ODBC User ID and Password in memory after the "first use". So if you connect to the database using one ID and Password you can't then use a different ID and Password on the next data call. Irrespective of what you put in the data call it will persist un using the previous ID and Password in cache. You need to completely shut down Excel to "clear" the old User ID and Password. Not sure if that helps in your scenario or what application you are pushing the data call from. Another thought (and a complete stab in the dark), is that the User ID and Password are stored in the Global Files. Is it possible that the ODBC connection is using an old Global File on an old installation. In Security Administration, the role needs access to Read via ODBC and the user needs that role and access to the datafolder.

  • 0 in reply to ieXcel with Sage 300 CRE

    Thanks IeXcel,  I see what you are saying.  However, this is a custom .Net Application, and we are not caching anything.  We are also not using any global files or file DSNs - in fact we are using a dynamic connection string.   As far as roles - the user we are testing is an administrator with all rights.    It does work when the password is "password"  but doesnt if the password is different.

  • 0 in reply to John Gavilan

    Hi John, Hmmm! So, process of elimination... Try connecting to the database using Excel with the User ID and the known Sage password as per Sage Security Administration. Exit Excel completely. Then using Security Administration change the password. Open Excel and try connecting to the database using the User ID and new password. If that works (and it should)... it isn't the Security Administration blocking you. Roger