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Switching from traditional service plan to subscription

Has anyone switched service plans from the traditional Silver perpetual license plan to the Subscription service plan? Our plan comes up for renewal in October and am being told that if we stay with the Silver plan, we cannot use the Easy Pay plan that allowed us to split payments to twice a year, so we'd have to pay 100% now. The other option they have offered is to switch to the Subscription plan, which would bump us to a "Gold Plus" plan at a higher price (which could be billed monthly which looks like a higher price yet over paying annually). We have no need or desire to switch to a cloud-based subscription, which I'm told is fine even if we switch to the subscription service. They are also offering a 10% discount for the first year. We've are a small company and have never used more than the 5 allowed service calls per year under the Silver plan, and we're not needing addtional licenses/uses, so don't know that the benefits they are touting under the "Gold Plus" plan mean a lot to us. Either way, the price is getting way too high, and it feels like we are being pushed into buying more than what we need. Any advice or experiences would be appreciated.

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    We, too, feel as if we are being bullied into switching to the subscription service plan.  We have told the Sage representative, more than once, that we are already on a remote server with our IT consultant.  We asked what the benefit would be for us to change from our current service plan to the subscription service plan.  We were told that we would save 10% because our current plan is going to have a price increase of 10%.  We have checked our payment history and Sage has gone up in price by 10%+- every year.  In addition, we would get the upgrades automatically.  All that means is that our Sage date would reside on a Sage remote server and they would install the updates instead of our IT downloading them to our server.  We are not comfortable with our data residing on a Sage remote server and having them manage our confidential information.  Our IT consultant manages more than our Sage platform. We have been on Sage when it was Timberline, over 30 years.  The bigger issue is that the Sage representative told us that, at some point, we will be forced into the subscription based service plan.  That will create huge issues for more than just my company.

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    We, too, feel as if we are being bullied into switching to the subscription service plan.  We have told the Sage representative, more than once, that we are already on a remote server with our IT consultant.  We asked what the benefit would be for us to change from our current service plan to the subscription service plan.  We were told that we would save 10% because our current plan is going to have a price increase of 10%.  We have checked our payment history and Sage has gone up in price by 10%+- every year.  In addition, we would get the upgrades automatically.  All that means is that our Sage date would reside on a Sage remote server and they would install the updates instead of our IT downloading them to our server.  We are not comfortable with our data residing on a Sage remote server and having them manage our confidential information.  Our IT consultant manages more than our Sage platform. We have been on Sage when it was Timberline, over 30 years.  The bigger issue is that the Sage representative told us that, at some point, we will be forced into the subscription based service plan.  That will create huge issues for more than just my company.

  • 0 in reply to Cindy McCaustland

    Thank you for your response. We are running Sage in-house on our own server, and also have no desire to have Sage managing our confidential data. It seems like this is a forced transition to push people to move to the Intaact product, which from what I understand, isn't even a complete functioning system at this point. Yes, they will give us a 10% discount this year, but next year we're going to be paying 15% more than we are now with the silver plan.