Will there be a FULL version of 2022 Year End Procedures and Government Forms Guide?

Will there be a Full version of 2022 Year End Procedures and Government Forms Guide?  I am only finding an "outline" to print - 35 pages.  Normally there is a full verion of approximately 160 pages to view/print.

  • 0

    We condensed the YE guide quite a bit this year and will not be releasing the long version of the guide. Although the guide appears to be much shorter, all of the information included in prior year end guides is included, but now as a link to the applicable KB articles

  • 0 in reply to Denise Paulus

    I am really disappointed.  We pay a ton of money for support and a year end guideline seems to be something that should be we could expect.  I don't want to try to modify that 2021 guide and miss something.  Very disappointing.

  • 0 in reply to Pish

    PISH, We have provided a 2022 Year end guide.  The guide does include all of the information (with the exception of the Backup procedures which is now in a separate document) that we have provided in prior versions of the guide. We just trimmed it down, now with links pointing to applicable KB articles with the details of steps etc instead of documenting it within the PDF file. 

  • 0 in reply to Pish

    PISH, We have provided a 2022 Year end guide.  The guide does include all of the information (with the exception of the Backup procedures which is now in a separate document) that we have provided in prior versions of the guide. We just trimmed it down, now with links pointing to applicable KB articles with the details of steps etc instead of documenting it within the PDF file. 

  • 0 in reply to Denise Paulus

    I see the point of condensing the guide but it has not been as easy to use.  Thankfully I have a second screen that I can pull up the instructions on with access to the links, while performing the task.  However (maybe I am old school) I liked having the instructions at hand where I could make notes as I went through the process.