How to copy & paste from excel to the distribution section in AP invoice entry

I am trying to create an excel format to be able to copy & paste my mutipule distributions in the AP entry, second page.

  • 0

    You can import invoices using an excel spreadsheet to start it.  It's under AP - Tools - Import Invoice and click on Help which will give you the file examples.  Once we create it with excel, we save it as a .txt file.   However, I don't think you can just copy & paste as you were asking. 

  • 0 in reply to Rhonda V


    would you be willing to share your excel spreadsheet? or is there a template available on Sage that I missed?

    [email protected]

  • 0 in reply to Tallie Boyer

    A good file example is in Sage.  Go to AP - Tools - Import Invoices and Click on "Import Format".  This gives you an opportunity to print out the format that is required and the specifications.  Also from AP - Tools - Import Invoices (the same place), click on "Help" this article is helpful, but at the bottom of this information, there is "Related Topics" and underneath a link to "Importing Invoices" <-Click this and there are more links like an "Import Invoices File Example" and an "Import Invoices Journal Example".  Each line represents a row in Excel.  Each field type represents a column in Excel.  So you set up one row to show every field type (whether you use them or not).  Save it in Excel.  But also in Excel save as a CSV(MS-DOS) file.  Then open the CSV file you just made with notepad, and save it again as a TXT file.  Now try to import the TXT file.  If it fails, it will give you a message in the PRN file and the rejects will be sitting in APREJECT.TXT file.  Between the two, the message and the reject file you'll see the problem.  It could be something simple, like the format was supposed to be numeric.  Redo your excel file to fix it and start from there.  Just do one invoice until you get it right.  Once it imports, check it through AP Tasks - Change Invoices.  You can always delete it and start over until you get it just right.  Once you get it right, you could import many invoices at the same time from one TXT file where you used Excel to setup multiple invoices.