Aatrix Ohio Municipal Tax on W2 nightmare

Aatrix has changed the W2 entry process for municipal tax.  You can no longer manually insert a municipality column on the W2 entry spreadsheet.  You have to select from an Aatrix generated municipality, which does not link to the municipality set up in Sage.  Fine, I get it, I will manually enter all of the data as I have always done.  BUT -  All of the RITA and CCA  Aatrix muni taxes are titled as numbers and digits and not municipality names. For all of us in Ohio with hundreds of municipalities on one W2 this is a nightmare.  I spent 1.5 hours on the phone with Aatrix support and what it boils down to is if they get enough complaints they will fix it for next year.  Am I missing something, or is everyone else having the same problem?  Any workarounds?  TIA